Logo Tag Brush


        This here is my tag brush. This isn't the first brush that I've created on Photoshop, but it is by far my favorite. The other brushes that I made in the past were more shapes that I used for a background. I. really enjoy working in PhotoShop. My tag brush was quite simple to make. 

    First, I embedded my Logo which I had made on Illustrator prior to making the tag brush. After embedding the logo, I had to make a selection of the logo using the pen tool. Once the selection was made, the selection had to be changed to the inverse. Then I embedded the splatter and made a mask of the logo and splatter. Next was adding the scratches and the negative to the logo mask. I changed the lighting mode to lighten to show more of the logo, lastly, I added this all to my brush presets. I saved it as a new brush and proceeded to test it out on a new Photoshop document which is shown above. 

