Movie: Knives Out (2019)
For my Somewhere project, I decided to do a scene from one of my favorite movies of last year, Knives Out. This was one of my favorites due to its great cast but also an amazing storyline. This film reminded me of many great old mystery films I had watched with my grandparents. I really enjoyed the comedy in this movie which is what I wanted to add to this scene.
This scene is one of the final frames in the movie. I won't spoil the ending, but I will mention the mood of this scene. I wanted to add a bit of sarcasm to the scene by my pose. You can understand how the sarcasm would be added to the film if you have seen it before. While I added a bit of sarcasm, Ana De Armas, who played Marta Cabrera in the film, was filled with anger after what she had been through. I wanted to show how I personally would've reacted to what happened to Marta in this same.
As for creating this piece, it started with the photo being taken. I took my photo in my dorm with my comforter and my mug. After I took my photo, I needed to upload it to Photoshop where I created my mask. The mask was simple to make and then I added in the photo of the scene. After adding the scene and deciding where to place me, I had to do some editing to my photo in order to get it to match the scene in terms of lighting and coloring. In order to edit the photo, I created a hue and saturation layer and an exposure layer. I made the exposure of the photo darker in order to match the scene more. I use the hue and saturation layer to make the colors darker. I also created a brightness and contrast layer in order to make the blonde in my hair be darker and not stick out so much. After editing my photo, I added my logo brush to the back. I had to use the stamp took to remove an engraving in the stone.
Photos Used
I love this movie! It has to have one of the most satisfying endings I've seen in a while. I love the fact that you're smiling in the photo, I totally would've reacted the same way. You did a great job putting yourself into the image. The lighting match is pretty good - it looks like it's a tricky tone to match, and you got probably as close as you could've without actually being in the movie itself.